
Poem: Damn you Nikon I am switching to Canon

Monday, October 10, 2011
Damn You Nikon I Am Switching to Canon

I was happy to hear the news
I swear to God I was
I  was even happy to hear the rumors
The rumors that were spread

But, why do I feel this now
This feeling of sadness
This feeling of distraught
Like a child being left behind
Filled with emptiness

Yet, my head is filled with contemplations
The contemplation of leaving you
So I began to ask myself
What were the reasons

Was it because you screwed me over?
Was it because you were a bad investment?
Hell yeah you are!
In about 10 days I will lose 30% of market value

So tell me Nikon
Tell me why shouldn't I leave you for Canon
We know they are a megapixel whore
And as we all know megapixel doesn't do crap
They just blow your image up bigger
But, they are sure damn cheaper than you

You had attracted me with your Nikkor Lens
Not the DX lens, but the prosumer ones
The ones that burn your pockets
The ones that makes you sell an arm and a leg for
But, not once have I regret it

Then again, you never failed me at low light situation
Where you made Canon users cry and weep
But, then again, you are getting too high maintenance
Too high maintenance for me


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