
[Day 7] - Marathon Training

Friday, October 14, 2011
[Nike Free Run V2] 04 by
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SB-900 above shot through umbrella at 1/2th
Triggered by onboard at 1/128th
[Nike Free Run V2] 04, a photo by on Flickr.
Today was actually my break day from running; however, I decided to join my new running mate, Jacob. Will I run again next Friday? Probably not. Because I don't want to over-exhaust my muscle; even though, I felt no muscle soreness afterwards. Running three times a week is good enough for me, especially if I am slowly increasing my distance.

I notice that I had completely depleted my B supplements and Vitamin C or my intake was not enough to allow my muscles to recover. However, after trying out jelly beans loaded with electrolyte (Sodium and Potassium), B supplements and Vitamin C my muscles rejuvenated. Now, I do not know whether this was a placebo effect, but I did not felt exhausted after my running exercise routine.

My workout today consisted of:

A Brisk five-minute warmup walk at the speed of 3.5-3.7, then jog two miles (or 20 minutes) at the speed of 5.7 with no walking.

After completing my 20 minutes jog, I held a run for 4 minutes at the speed of 7.

Memo to self:

Start drinking vitamins supplements.

Via Flickr:
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I absolutely love these shoes.
J'adore Nike Free Run V2


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