Tired and sleep deprived from the previous night, I crawled out of my bed to get ready to join my teammates from CSUF-CSA. Only to find out that my carpool mates were still asleep and not awake.
As you enter Annie's home, you can instantly smell the aroma of fresh baked donuts and fresh toasted bread filled with egg and bacon. Soft mumbles and yawning were heard in the dinning room along with loud sounds of crunches and slurps. Silence was then broken by the arrival of the dynamic duo. They filled the room with their giggles and smiles. However, all that was received back were faces of sleep deprived individuals.
LA, a place filled with smog that looks like fog along with heavy traffic and terrible parking space. Crowded with people from left to right. As the sun began to rise, droplets of sweat began to fall. Traffic lights flicker from red to green. Then came a little push with a little shove. The 10k walk began the day.
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