[Day 8] - Marathon Training
[ 27th AIDS Walk in LA ]

[Day 7] - Marathon Training
Strobist Info: SB-900 above shot through umbrella at 1/2th Triggered by onboard at 1/128th |
I notice that I had completely depleted my B supplements and Vitamin C or my intake was not enough to allow my muscles to recover. However, after trying out jelly beans loaded with electrolyte (Sodium and Potassium), B supplements and Vitamin C my muscles rejuvenated. Now, I do not know whether this was a placebo effect, but I did not felt exhausted after my running exercise routine.
My workout today consisted of:
A Brisk five-minute warmup walk at the speed of 3.5-3.7, then jog two miles (or 20 minutes) at the speed of 5.7 with no walking.
After completing my 20 minutes jog, I held a run for 4 minutes at the speed of 7.
Memo to self:
Start drinking vitamins supplements.
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I absolutely love these shoes.
J'adore Nike Free Run V2
[Day 6] - Marathon Training
My exercise consisted of:
A brisk five-minute warmup walk, then a jog for two miles (or 20 minutes) with no walking.
During my first week of training I was able to hold a 15 minutes constant jog. So I assumed that adding an extra 5 minutes should have not been a problem for me. I did not have any problems during my first 5 minutes of running. However, it began to get harder (as in a mental challenge) after the 5 minutes. By the 18 minute mark, I was ready to increase my speed to 6.1 to finish my last two minutes. Then again, I pushed myself and ran for 23 minutes. Originally, I was actually hoping to push myself to 25 minutes, but I became extremely dehydrated and my contacts was getting fuzzy and dry.
Today marks my first time being able to run 20 minutes non-stop and running over 2 miles non-stop!
[Day 5] - Marathon Training
Today my workout routine consisted of:
A brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
- Jog 3/4 mile (or 8 minutes)
- Walk 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
- Jog 3/4 mile (or 8 minutes)
[Day 4] - Marathon Training
My training consisted of:
A Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
- Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
- Walk 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
- Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
- Walk 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
- Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
However, on the last jog I pushed myself to run at a speed of 6.1 for 10 minutes. The only drawback of my training today was that I did not walk off my run for about 1/4 of a mile and I did not fully stretch afterwards. I will never do that again no matter whatever comes up. Without doing that after my exercise I felt horrible.
Hopefully, playing basketball for an hour did not mess up my left ankle for tomorrow's training. The pressure and ache that I felt after playing basketball is slowly going away.
Poem: Damn you Nikon I am switching to Canon
I was happy to hear the news
I swear to God I was
I was even happy to hear the rumors
The rumors that were spread
But, why do I feel this now
This feeling of sadness
This feeling of distraught
Like a child being left behind
Filled with emptiness
Yet, my head is filled with contemplations
The contemplation of leaving you
So I began to ask myself
What were the reasons
Was it because you screwed me over?
Was it because you were a bad investment?
Hell yeah you are!
In about 10 days I will lose 30% of market value
So tell me Nikon
Tell me why shouldn't I leave you for Canon
We know they are a megapixel whore
And as we all know megapixel doesn't do crap
They just blow your image up bigger
But, they are sure damn cheaper than you
You had attracted me with your Nikkor Lens
Not the DX lens, but the prosumer ones
The ones that burn your pockets
The ones that makes you sell an arm and a leg for
But, not once have I regret it
Then again, you never failed me at low light situation
Where you made Canon users cry and weep
But, then again, you are getting too high maintenance
Too high maintenance for me
[Day 3] - Marathon Training
As usual I began with a 5 minute brisk walk at a speed of 3.5 and my legs felt fine with no tension because I stretched for about 10 minutes.
During 3 minute run my left knee wanted to fail me and I wanted to stop my training. However, as dumb as it sounds I kept moving forward with my training because I wanted to see how my body would react after the 90 second walk break. Unfortunately, my knee pain got worse during the 5 minute jog for about 2 minutes into the run. What made it interesting was that it went from my left knee to my right calf and it went away after my 3 minute walk break. (Yes, I know I took a slightly longer walk break than the program has it.)
What made me extremely happy today was that I was able to hold a 15 minute non-stop run and completed my training over a distance of 3 miles. Usually it would be around a 30 minute training and ending with a distance of 2 or 2 1/2 miles. I am glad that I pushed myself to see whether or not I could hold a run for more than 7 or 8 minutes.
I can now say I have successfully completed a week's training of the 5k training program.
I cannot wait to do next week training.
[Day 2] - Of Marathon Training
It started with a light drizzle then it just poured down. Contemplation ran across my mind. Maybe I can skip today and give myself a little break. After all, my legs were still recovering from yesterday. One day won't hurt. These thoughts about not running today began to arise in my mind.
Ironically as it may sounds. I love rainy days; however, I just hate getting wet. I do not know why though. Maybe it is the icky feeling of wet clothes and the smell it leaves behind that makes me dislike being wet. Then again, that is a whole different story.
During today's training exercise I felt more tired than yesterday. More exhaustion from my lungs than my legs. This is the result from sleep deprivation and for skipping breakfast and have an extremely small lunch. However, after doing the first set of running exercise my body began to acclimate.
What amazes today was when I pushed myself to hold in a 7 minute non-stop run and my body was able to handle it. Hopefully, I will be able to hold in a 10 minute non-stop run tomorrow.
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Determination & Commitment
[Day 1] - Of Marathon Training
New Goal, New Hobby, & A New Beginning
Strobist Info:
SB-900 fired at 1/2th through umbrella front Triggered by on-board flash at 1/128th |
This training consist of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Walk 1/4 mile (or 2-1/2 minutes)
Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
To be honest, before my training I was afraid that my knee and feet would fail me. I felt a little tension in my knee before hand. However, to make sure that I stretch out properly, I stretch out twice (2 times before running and 2 times after running). The first set of stretch was 20 seconds then when repeated again 10 seconds.
Hopefully my leg will be up to par for tomorrow's training.
New Hobby New Goal
A new hobby as in running (leaning more towards long distance running). A new goal to participate in as many walks for a cause as possible and to train for a marathon, but before that to be able to accomplish a 5k run then a half marathon.
Ironically, I never liked walking and hated running. However, after preparing for Peru this summer by walking 4-8 miles a day for a duration of 5 weeks, I started to developed a liking for walking. Like a famous saying, "before you can run, you have to learn how to walk".
On Sunday, I was able to achieve 6 miles on the elliptical and 2 miles on the treadmill. I absolutely love my Nike Free Run V2 and it is all thanks to my friend, Buddy for letting me try his pair.
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Let the training begin.