This week I had a change in my equipment. I was no longer using a Canon Vixia, but instead I was using a JVC mini dv. It was a huge change from using a hard drive/flash drive based to mini dv tape. I was clueless to how to extract the video that was recorded from the dv tape. I had less than a day to figure how to use it. After a few hours I basically gave up.
The plan was to use connect the JVC camcorder via firewire to my Macbook and use Final Cut to record the video. After testing it the video quality recording via firewire I conclude that it produced a video in decent quality.
Our guest speaker today was JB Fenix, a fourth year medical student.
However, I brought all my equipment except the tripod! Everything went wrong during the preparation before the guest speaker arrived. The cords to the camcorder was not long enough to reach the outlet. Therefore, I had to run around trying desperately to find a power cord extender. As a result, I started filming a little late and missed the introduction of the guest speaker.
To compensate for a tripod I used a podium adjacent to the main podium where the guest speaker was at as a laptop stand and camcorder stand. Fortunately, he was going off his powerpoint slides and did not move around like the previous guest speaker.
However, after ten minutes into filming my laptop started to overheat even with a coolant underneath it. The noise itself was not as loud and noticeable until an hour had past. I hoping and praying that it would not blow smoke out from overheating.
After producing the film I can conclude several things.
1) It produced below mediocre quality (HORRIBLE QUALITY)
2) It took over 30gb
3) Shrinking the video size took a heck of a long time
4) It had the best audio after increasing it to 12dB+
5) I will not record via firewire again
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