Originally, it was suppose to rain today. However, the weather man lied and it turn out to be a somewhat sunny then it became cloudy. Fortunately, that was a good thing for me. Less worries for me worrying about my filming equipment getting drench by the rain.
For this week our guest speaker was Dr. LaTanya Hines who is a obgyn. Her topic was on African American Women Med. She used to be a student here at UCI. Despite being twenty to thirty minutes late because she had an emergency with a patient, she was able to deliver a powerful and moving speech.
Today I was using a Sony Handycam HDD to film our guest speaker. I had no clue what it looked like (ergonomics) nor did had time to play with it before hand. The Sony Handycam was the heaviest of all the camcorders that i used so far. Therefore, i was caught off guard because it tip downward while I was filming. I had to hold the camcorder for a majority of the time whereas, all the previous time filming I did not have to hold it.
The tripod that I was using was not sturdy enough to carry the weight of this camcorder. Despite being caught off guard, I was able to capture the introduction of the guest speaker this time. She was like the first guest speaker where he moved around a majority of the time.
A few things I have to mention about the Sony Handycam HDD are:
-The quality on the screen was almost equivalent to the Canon Vixia
-The film exporting was fast and easy
-The film quality is great! Even though it is not in Hi Def
-My laptop wasn't overheating during the export
Overall the Sony Handycam HDD is an awesome camcorder! Good job Sony! You cannot go wrong with a Sony.
Now I am very curious how a Panasonic will be like. Hopefully my next camcorder will be a Panasonic or a JVC. I will keep my fingers cross.
-Use a different tripod if I am going to use the Sony Handycam HDD again