My first Photoshoot!
So I had an opportunity to do a photo shoot today since I didn't have class. One of my friend volunteered to be my model :]. At first I was worried that my pictures were not going to turn out great and I did not have enough skills to do a photo shoot. Besides the weather was getting hot! and I was afraid that it would be a bad time to do a photo shoot.
In the end it was an amazing experienced for me as a photographer and for my friend who was modeling for me. I shot over 150+ photos in raw format and took over 2 hours (very unexpected! for both me and friend).
It was a great learning experienced. It made me more confident in myself and in my photography.
In the end it was an amazing experienced for me as a photographer and for my friend who was modeling for me. I shot over 150+ photos in raw format and took over 2 hours (very unexpected! for both me and friend).
It was a great learning experienced. It made me more confident in myself and in my photography.
Filming Adventure 7
Today my sister was presenting the guest speaker. Our guest speakers for today was Eric Handler, M.D. and Paul Leon, R.N. and their topic address Health Care Issues with Homeless Children. Their speech was are very inspiration and touching.
Today I was unable to get my hands on a HDD camcorder therefore, I had to use a DV camcorder. There is absolutely nothing wrong about using a mini DV cam. It is just that I wish I could have used a HDD cam to capture this speech.
I had a choice between the JVC mini DV cam or a Canon mini DV cam. I chose the Canon over the JVC because I wanted to try something new. It was a horrible mistake and I really regret the choice that I made. The zoom on the Canon was horrible... It had a quick zoom instead of a steady slow zoom. No matter how I gently moved the zoom trigger it kept zooming fast. The quality is mediocre.
This time I had no issue with the tripod since the Canon camcorder was so small and compact. Instead the issue I had was the zoom.
Stick with the JVC next time if I have to use a DV cam
Filming Adventure Week 6
Supposedly today was suppose to rain based on the weatherman daily five weather report. However, the clouds had change and it became sunny again which is a good thing.
Originally I was going to use a Canon DV camcorder today because my sister rented one by accident. In the end I had the chance to use my favorite camcorder, the Sony handycam HDD. Honestly, I would not mind using the Canon dv cam. Since I had extra dv tapes I might as well use them and having an opportunity to test out a new camcorder is hard to say no to.
Today's guest speaker was Dr. America Bracho who addressing Latino Health. She is an amazing speaker. Her speech is very firm that delivers a powerful blow on the students. Not only that she also interacts with the crowd of students. It was a privilege to film her.
The Sony handycam is heavy and big compared to most camcorders; therefore, it had tip downwards. Despite being able to capture every moment of her lecture I had technical difficulties. While filming I had to reposition the camera multiple time because it kept tipping downwards. I was also caught off guard a few time when she started to move again when she was interacting with the crowd of students.
Overall, great capture with a few bumps here and there.
Originally I was going to use a Canon DV camcorder today because my sister rented one by accident. In the end I had the chance to use my favorite camcorder, the Sony handycam HDD. Honestly, I would not mind using the Canon dv cam. Since I had extra dv tapes I might as well use them and having an opportunity to test out a new camcorder is hard to say no to.
Today's guest speaker was Dr. America Bracho who addressing Latino Health. She is an amazing speaker. Her speech is very firm that delivers a powerful blow on the students. Not only that she also interacts with the crowd of students. It was a privilege to film her.
The Sony handycam is heavy and big compared to most camcorders; therefore, it had tip downwards. Despite being able to capture every moment of her lecture I had technical difficulties. While filming I had to reposition the camera multiple time because it kept tipping downwards. I was also caught off guard a few time when she started to move again when she was interacting with the crowd of students.
Overall, great capture with a few bumps here and there.
Filming Adventure Week 5

Unfortunately, I was unable to get my hands on a HD camcorder for this week. I was really hoping to get the SONY handycam again. As a back up I have a JVC DV tape camcorder. Despite, not being a hard drive based camcorder it gets the job done. However, dv tapes can get a little pricey since four dv tapes can cost around sixteen dollars or more.
Today's guest speaker, Dr. Kuon is one of my favorite speaker! Therefore, it was my honor and pleasure to film his speech on international medicine.
As much as your trying to run things smoothly there are always a few bumps here and there. Despite charging the battery, it was not full and the speech was going to start in just a few minutes. I was unable to film the introduction because I was not going to risk the battery dying in the middle of filming. Therefore, I ran frantically trying to find an extension power cord. Fortunately, I had my sister do the filming while I was gone.
For this speech I had brought my camera to take pictures of the guest speaker. However, learning from my previous experience with filming and taking pictures I had one of the coordinators take pictures while I filmed.
I was a little sad that I was unable to record his speech in HD.
Overall, it was an amazing experience!
-The camcorder itself is a little too heavy for the stand and tip back